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Roberto Patiño

Founder, Mi Convive and Director, Institute 2100

Roberto Patiño has a Master's in Public Policy from Harvard University, a Master’s in Mediation in Peace Processes from ETH Zurich, and a Bachelor's in Manufacturing Engineering from Universidad Simón Bolívar. He founded Mi Convive and Alimenta La Solidaridad, Venezuela's largest community organizing initiatives, nourishing 15,000 children daily and spearheading youth programs to mitigate violence. Patiño co-founded and directs Institute 2100, a think tank creating solutions for global issues in economic development, technology, agriculture, food security, and international relations. He serves on the board of Primero Justicia, a political party. He was a leader in Venezuela’s student movement, mobilizing thousands of young people to advocate for democracy through peaceful public demonstrations and electoral participation.

Thoughtful Leaders. Decision Makers. Activists and Experts.

The Sedona Forum is the McCain Institute’s annual, high-level gathering of national and international leaders held each spring in the red rock country of Sedona, Arizona. Starting from the assumption of character-driven leadership and core democratic values, The Sedona Forum convenes thought-leaders, decision makers, activists and diverse experts to discuss approaches and solutions to real-world problems.

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