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McCain Institute Hosts Authors & Insights Event with former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch

WASHINGTON, D.C. – After the recent publication of her book, “Lessons From the Edge: A Memoir,” former U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovitch joined McCain Institute Executive Director Dr. Evelyn Farkas for the latest installment of the McCain Institute’s Authors & Insights series.

The discussion between the two Ukraine experts focused on Russia, Ukraine and what victory means for either side as well as Ambassador Yovanovitch’s tenure as U.S. Ambassador to Ukraine.

Click HERE to view the full conversation.

Excerpts from Ambassador Yovanovitch’s comments:

Senator McCain led the way for the support of Ukraine.  
“[Senator John McCain] was a man who understood and was providing comfort to people who needed it and leadership to people who needed it … President Poroshenko casually mentioned they were going to the frontlines and do you want to go … so we went out to the frontlines … there was this young woman who got called up by President Poroshenko, and so I’m kinda whispering to [Senator McCain] about what’s going on, that she is the mother of a young man killed on the frontlines recently, and she was going to get the medal for her son … [Senator McCain] just hugged her and two little streams of tears went down his eyes.

“It was an example of how a courageous man can be so empathetic and really win hearts and minds.”

Assistance to Ukraine is not charity, it’s an investment in our global security. 
“Ukrainians are fighting our fight as well – they’re standing up for freedom in a really important way. I think for us, sometimes it looks like Ukraine is so far away and that it’s a little theoretical and we have other priorities here at home … but Ukraine is not so far away … [Zelensky] noted that our assistance is not charity, it is an investment in our security and global security.”

Ukrainian victory is important but giving concessions to Russia rewards aggression.  
“One has to define what lose means … what does victory mean for either side? I think those are some of the unknowables where maybe Russia gets to keep some of what it has illegally annexed … I personally would not be in favor of that because it rewards aggression and we cannot be in that kind of a world.”

About the McCain Institute at Arizona State University
The McCain Institute is a nonpartisan organization inspired by Senator John McCain and his family’s dedication to public service. We are part of Arizona State University and based in Washington, D.C. Our programs advance democracy and human rights, empower character-driven leaders, combat human trafficking, and prevent targeted violence. What makes us different is our unique convening power of global leaders from across the political spectrum, which positions us at the center of the world’s most pressing challenges. Our goal is action, not talk, and like Senator McCain, we are fighting to create a world that is free, safe, and just for all.

About Arizona State University

Arizona State University has developed a new model for the American research university, creating an institution that is committed to access, excellence and impact. ASU measures itself by those it includes, not by those it excludes. As the prototype for a New American University, ASU pursues research that contributes to the public good, and ASU assumes major responsibility for the economic, social and cultural vitality of the communities that surround it.

Publish Date
February 16, 2023
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