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McCain Institute Calls for Strong Support for Venezuela’s Democratic Opposition

WASHINGTON, D.C. (JULY 24, 2024) – In advance of Venezuela’s presidential election on July 28, the McCain Institute at Arizona State University today issued a series of recommended actions for the United States to take if Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro prevents a free and fair election or refuses to accept an opposition victory.

  1. Immediately reimpose full sanctions on Venezuela’s oil and gas sector as they were prior to the 2023 Barbados Agreement.
  2. Issue new individual sanctions and visa bans against Maduro regime officials and their families.
  3. Prioritize efforts to work with Latin American democratic allies to isolate the Maduro regime.

“It is vital that the United States make clear to Maduro that there will be a significant political cost for attempts to manipulate the electoral process and results, and that continued repression of the regime’s political opponents is unacceptable and will be met with real consequences,” said McCain Institute Human Rights & Freedom Program Director Corban Teague.

While the Maduro regime signed the Barbados Agreement in October 2023 and committed to holding “free and fair” elections, it has consistently and blatantly violated this pledge. The regime prevented both the leading opposition candidate, Maria Corina Machado, and her chosen representative from running in the election, and it has banned opposition advertising and media. The Maduro regime also created numerous roadblocks trying to complicate voting, including significantly impeding the ability of Venezuelans living abroad from registering to vote. It also is attempting to prevent effective election monitoring, having disinvited the EU’s observation mission, which was the largest international mission, and introducing new rules designed to prevent opposition party representatives from being able to monitor all polling sites. Furthermore, the Maduro government continues its brutal repression of political opponents, including arresting a number of Ms. Machado’s staff earlier this year.

Despite these clear attempts to subvert the electoral process, the Venezuelan people continue to show remarkable courage and fortitude. Polls show the opposition candidate, Edmundo González, has a commanding lead against Maduro, with many people risking arrest and repression to attend opposition rallies. It is clear that a free and fair contest will result in an opposition victory. It is also clear that the Maduro regime has every intention of preventing this from happening.

The Maduro regime has inflicted far too much suffering on the Venezuelan people. As a result of its repression and corruption, millions of Venezuelans have been forced to flee, straining the immigration systems of numerous countries across North and South America, including the United States. The Maduro regime has also strengthened its ties with China, Russia, and Iran, giving America’s most dangerous adversaries a foothold in the Western Hemisphere.

It is critical that the United States take concrete action to support the Venezuelan people pushing for freedom and a new, democratic future for Venezuela.


Publish Date
July 24, 2024
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