Wubrest Fantahun Adamu is a legal officer working with UNHCR with a specialization in the protection of internally displaced persons in Ethiopia. She obtained her first degree from Addis Ababa University School of Law in 2017. Currently, she is enrolled in an LLM addressing Human Rights at Addis Ababa University. Presently, Wubrest is working in the law and policy sector to better advocate for and assist the rights of internally displaced persons within different regions of her country. In her prior career, she worked as a human rights investigator and a focal person for the Women and Children’s Rights desk with the Ethiopian Human Rights Council. Later, Wubrest worked as a human rights officer with the UN Human Rights Office during the inter-communal conflict-induced displacements happening throughout the country. Recently, she has been conducting studies and discussion papers on the women, peace and security agenda, and the localization of the peace and security agenda in Ethiopia.