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Rep. Jason Crow

United States Congressman, Colorado’s 6th District

​​Former Army Ranger and Bronze Star recipient Jason Crow grew up working class -- he worked minimum-wage jobs during high school and enlisted in the National Guard and worked construction to help pay his way through college. After graduating, Jason joined the active-duty Army and served in the Army’s storied 82nd Airborne Division and in the elite 75th Ranger Regiment, deploying to both Iraq and Afghanistan. When Jason returned home, he looked for ways to continue to give back. Jason struggled to get his veterans benefits and knew others were having similar challenges transitioning from service to civilian life so he went to work helping veterans across Colorado. Now Jason has taken his servant leadership to Congress where he represents Colorado’s 6th Congressional District and serves on the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and House Foreign Affairs Committee, on which he is the Ranking Democrat of the Oversight and Accountability Subcommittee.

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