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Dr. Denis Mukwege

President and Founder, Panzi Hospital and Foundation

Dr. Denis Mukwege is an OB-GYN, human rights advocate, and founder of Panzi Hospital & Foundation in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Panzi specializes in the treatment of survivors of sexual violence and women suffering severe gynecological trauma, often as a result of rape with extreme brutality. In the 25 years since Panzi opened its doors, Dr. Mukwege and his staff have treated over 80,000 survivors of sexual violence. In 2018, he received the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts to end rape as a weapon of war, as well as for championing the rights of women and girls and for peace and justice in the DRC. He has also been named the recipient of the United Nations Human Rights Prize (2008), the Right Livelihood Award (2013), and the European Union Sakharov Prize (2014). In 2023, he was inducted into The Elders, a group of independent global leaders working together for peace, justice, human rights and a sustainable planet that was founded by Nelson Mandela.

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