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Authors & Insights: Daniel Runde

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Join the McCain Institute for the next installment of its book talk virtual series on Tuesday, Aug. 15. This event will feature Senior Vice President, Willian A. Schreyer Chair, Director of Project on Prosperity and Development at CSIS Daniel Runde and McCain Institute Executive Director Dr. Evelyn Farkas. They will discuss Runde’s latest book, “The American Imperative: Reclaiming Global Leadership through Soft Power,” where he makes the case for building a new global consensus through vigorous internationalism and the judicious use of soft power.

Two lucky attendees will receive a copy of “The American Imperative: Reclaiming Global Leadership through Soft Power,” by Daniel Runde. The winners, drawn at random, will be notified by email after the event.

While the U.S. faces a range of challenges these days – both here at home and on the world stage – the McCain Institute maintains that all of them can be met by reaffirming character-driven leadership. To bolster its message, the Institute hosts Authors & Insights Book Talk Series. Through this “reverse book tour,” Institute leaders interview authors of important newly-released books on American politics, policy and leadership with the intention to engage the American people in a dialogue that affirms the importance of character-driven leadership and America’s leadership in the international community. The result will be a blueprint for a brighter future.

Date / heure
Août 15, 2023
12:00pm ET
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